Television themes based on photo - graphic projects 1978 -1983
“60 seconds to be animated for television, the theme anticipates the cycle, each cycle, a character, let's start with Hitchcock.
“60 seconds to be animated for television, the theme anticipates the cycle, each cycle, a character, let's start with Hitchcock. Pietro Pintus, director of the series, gathers photographic material, set photographs, action shots, portraits, a series of photographic images in black and white. The title of the series “The morning of the magician” suggests which photo I should choose, it’s a portrait of Hitchcock in a bowler hat, starting from top to bottom to discover the bowler hat like a morning sun, and down following all the hollows and contours of Hitchcock's face. Going down on the left and going up on the right, a reading of a large portrait in black and white.

“The poisons and the dreams of don Luìs”: The titles of the films suggest the idea of the images, each scene a film, a large plan of characters, symbols, such as the eye, from the film "Le Chien Andalous", it is the eye that begins the overview of the Bunuel cinema.

Kazan the great, Kazan in black and white or rather, Kazan’s black and white, and against the black background appears the moving title Kazan the great, the font type is Koloss. A scene photo with Kazan as protagonist is the only image of the theme song. With the colours I emphasize the overlap of the photographs.

A set photograph from the film “Bite the bullet” shows Richard Brooks pointing off and on one side of the photo, semi-cut appears James Coburn. The title of the series “In search of Mister Brooks” becomes the caption under the photograph of Brooks. I pick out Brooks from the background of the photograph and his gesture becomes the photo-graphic design for the whole title”.