Periodical illustrations for the daily newspaper “Il Manifesto”
Graphic imagine, Rome 1985

“I have to draw for Film Clubs the graphic image of “Italian-style Comedy”, a panorama of films from “Vivere in pace” (1946) directed by Luigi Zampa, to “Un borghese piccolo piccolo” (1977) by Mario Monicelli: 30 years of cinema. The initiative includes meetings, film festivals, round-tables, conferences, attempting to give a re-reading (initial arrangement) of the films and lines of development that gradually emerged in this sphere of the genre. I begin to draw a silhouette of Italy in the centre of an arrow (film) strip, then, I draw stills, factories, film cameras, men waving long strips of film. I have various signs available, I choose the man and the film camera, the man and Italy, and the photogram stretched tight between two poles. These are the elements of the graphic image, I choose the Glaser-stencil for the printing, and as if they were titles to be read from top to bottom, I mount the image of “The Italian-style comedy a research project”.